How Does Dehydrated Skin Differ From Dry Skin?

Although Dehydrated and Dry skin seem like two words synonymous to each other, when it comes to skincare they are completely different concerns with different underlying causes.

Dry skin is a skin type, but Dehydrated skin is a condition anyone can experience. You don’t need to have Dry skin to also have Dehydrated skin. Sometimes, people with Oily or Combination skin can also have Dehydrated skin.

So how does Dehydrated skin differ from Dry skin?

Dehydrated skin is extremely common, and is mostly caused by external factors like – the weather, pollution, diet, medications, and over-cleansing.

People with Dehydrated skin lack water, making the skin look dull, feel tight and rough, and show accelerated signs of aging.

Signs of Dehydrated skin are very common on the forehead near the scalp line, outer cheeks, and around the eyes.

If you have Dehydrated skin, it’s very important to hydrate yourself as much as possible. Drink lots of water, eat water-rich fruits and vegetables, and try to stay away from harsh skin products.

However, with Dry skin, lack of moisture can usually result to flaky or rough skin. If this is your skin type, make sure you’re using the right moisturising products. Choose oils as they penetrate deep into the skin, allowing it to breathe. We recommend using oil products that have rich ingredients like jojoba or coconut oil.

Distinguishing between Dehydrated and Dry skin can be difficult, as it’s almost completely similar to one another.

For your skin concerns, you may speak directly to Shohreh Bagherian, Founder of Ivory Aesthetics, and a trusted skin care expert and aesthetician in the GCC.

To book a consultation with Shohreh, call us on 04 451 5554.

5 Ways An Oxygen Facial Helps You Get Glowing Skin

Oxygen Facial is a specialized beauty procedure that supplies the skin with oxygen, providing hydration and reviving the youthfulness of the face. Its incredible healing properties makes the Oxygen Facial one of the most sought after beauty treatments, and a great way to pamper your facial skin.

Here are ways an Oxygen Facial can be really good for your skin –

1. It has no painful side effects

Unlike other skin procedures, Oxygen Facial has no abrasive or painful side effects like itching, redness, burning, or stinging. The procedure is quite gentle, and even those with sensitive skin can undergo the facial procedure. It exfoliates and replenishes the skin, reducing wrinkles and fine lines, while stimulating blood circulation in the face.

2. It promotes collagen production

Oxygen Facial infuses oxygen and vitamins to the skin, encouraging collagen production, restoring back its elasticity, and lightening age spots. All these help the skin in regaining its youthfulness and glow.

3. It rejuvenates the skin

The facial skin cells goes through wear and tear, caused by day-to-day pollution and stress. Oxygen Facial helps nourish the skin, rejuvenating cell regrowth.

4. It heals acne blemishes

Infusing oxygen into the skin can increase cell regeneration, speeding up the healing process of the blemishes, acne, and scars. This can then result in an overall improved skin health.

5. It detoxifies the skin

Pollution, smoking, poor diet, and unhealthy lifestyle are few factors the can rob our skin from its much needed nutrients. Oxygen Facial can help reverse the effects of these environmental pollutants, by providing the skin with its oxygen boost.

To know more about the benefits of Oxygen Facial, speak to our experts by calling us on 04 451 5554.

5 Simple Ways to Incorporate Wellness Into Your Busy Schedule

Wellness (n.) The state of being in good health, especially as an actively pursued goal.

Achieving and maintaining optimal health doesn’t happen overnight, and incorporating wellness into our daily routine is a constant effort. But with Dubai’s fast-paced lifestyle, cooking nutritious meals and working out can seem like a burden for a lot of us.

So how do you incorporate wellness into your busy schedule?

Everything begins with a proper mindset. You’re always going to be busy, and you’re always going to be tired. But if you make it a priority to stay mentally and physically healthy all throughout, it’ll start to feel less like a routine but more of a habit.

Here are simple ways to incorporate wellness into your lifestyle –

 1. Get enough sleep

Most of the time, we don’t get enough sleep because of the stress and anxiety that we carry home from work.

Do this: Limit your screen time at least an hour before you sleep, and engage in relaxing activities like reading books, listening to podcasts, or doing easy yoga exercises.

 2. Plan & prepare your meals for the coming week

Planning and preparing your meals ahead of time prevents you from indulging in unhealthy food choices, and saves you extra time in the morning.

Do this: Choose a day for grocery shopping and cooking your meals. Store them in the fridge to prevent spoilage. Once you’re ready to eat them, just heat it up and you’re good to go!

 3. Go to a gym nearby (or spare few minutes to workout at home)

Usually, we see working out every day or every other day impossible because either the “gym’s too far and it’s draining to drive back and forth”, or “everything’s too expensive”.

Remember, being active keeps your body healthy. Alternatively, you can also find a sport that you love and do it regularly.

Do this: Commit to working out at least 30 minutes to an hour every day, or every other day. Top tip, switch up your workout routine every now and then. This helps increase your body’s endurance and stamina.

 4. Take time to meditate

Meditating helps relieve stress and keep your mental health in balance.

Do this: For 10-15 minutes when you wake up in the morning, and before you go back to sleep, take time out to sit in stillness.

 5. Engage in “me time”

Whether it’s simply reading a book, going out for a walk, or treating yourself out, make sure you occasionally incorporate “me time” into your monthly routine. This helps relax your mind and body, freeing it from the daily work stress.

Do this: Schedule yourself a facial or massage at least twice a month.

We hope this helps all our wonderful clients at Ivory Aesthetics incorporate a little more wellness into their lives – and if you think it’s time to give yourself a treat, come in for a massage or facial so we can pamper you with some wellness time.

Call 04 451 5554 to book an appointment.

Top 5 Anti-Ageing Facial Exercises

We can’t stop ageing… But that doesn’t mean we can’t beat it!

Facial exercises work the hypodermis (upper layer of the skin), dermis (middle layer), and epidermis (lower layer), through controlled and precise movements. When done correctly, this helps increase blood circulation, allowing more nourishment and oxygen to reach the cells of the skin.

The result?

By stimulating collagen and elastin production, our skin becomes smoother, more-supple, and tighter-looking.

Here are 5 facial exercises that will bring back your youthful glow and beat ageing:

1. The Forehead Smoother

Focus point: Forehead

Best for: Preventing wrinkles and using acupressure to remove tension.

Step 1: Make a fist with both hands. Apply firm pressure on the center of your forehead with the middle and index finger knuckles.

Step 2: Slide down each fist to the sides, while maintaining the pressure.

Step 3: End by gently pressing your knuckles into your temples.

Repeat 5 times.

2. The V

Focus point: Surrounding eye area

Best for: Lifting drooping eyelids, smoothing out crow’s feet, and easing eye bags.

Step 1: Form a V shape with both hands, placing the middle fingers at the inner corner of your eyebrows and the index fingers on the outer corner.

Step 2: Apply pressure on your index fingers and tilt your head to the ceiling.

Step 3: Raise your lower eyelids upwards and relax

Repeat this exercise for more than 6 times and finish off by resting your eyes for at least 10 seconds.

3. The Face Lift

Focus point: Eyes and cheeks

Best for: Smoothing smile lines (or the nasolabial fold lines), and lifting the eyes and cheeks.

Step 1: Place both palms on your temples

Step 2: Push your hands up and back, lifting the sides of your face

Step 3: Form an O with your mouth and drop your jaw, making your face look as long as possible

Step 4: Hold this pose for at least 5 seconds

Repeat twice.

4. The Neck Lift

Focus point: Neck

Best for: Firming sagging and loose skin around the neck area, tightening the neck and jawline, and easing neck lines.

Step 1: Twist your lips and neck to the lift, keeping your head tilted to a 45 degree angle.

Step 2: Hold for 3-5 seconds and repeat the same step to the right.

With each step, you should feel the stretch on your neck and cheek. Repeat 5 times, for each side.

5. Acupressure Points

Focus point: Center forehead, jaw line, and earlobes

Best for: Increasing blood circulation in the face, fights insomnia, and eases tension around the jaw area.

Step 1: Apply deep pressure while pressing the index finger in between the eyebrows

Step 2: Make circling movements to left and then to the right

This exercise is perfect to help you sleep better and fight stress.

Step 3: Place 2 fingers and your thumb on the center jawline, and start pinching from both sides to the top

This helps ease tension, lift, and tone your jaw area.

Step 4: Using your finger and thumb, pull your earlobes downwards

Step 5: Do the same for the middle and top area of your ears. Do this 3 times.

This exercise has been used for years as part of the Indian medicine, as it helps increase blood circulation all throughout the face.

Repeat all steps 3 times.

Apart from incorporating these facial exercises, make sure you’re getting regular skin treatments and facials. If you haven’t already, consult with Shohreh to find out what your skin needs and get insight into some of Ivory Aesthetics top anti-ageing facial treatments.

Book a consultation online or speak to us on 04 451 5554.

Top 5 At-Home Face Mask Recipes For An Instant Glow

While we all love a good facial, sometimes you just need a quick fix at home to give your skin an instant boost!

These face mask recipes are not only super simple to make at home, but are also packed with a bunch of natural beauty benefits to help revitalize your skin.

We’ve handpicked our favorites below, so grab your ingredients, give them a try, and get ready for glowing skin!

Honey & Lemon

Both honey and lemon work as natural bleachers that give your skin a radiant glow. To make this mask, you need to mix 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of honey. Apply the mask on your face and leave it on for 15-20 minutes. Wash your face thoroughly with cold water.

Rose Petals and Milk Pack

Rose petals improve complexion and add lift dull skin. To make this mask, take some rose petals and 2 teaspoons of thick milk – grind them to make a fine paste. Leave the paste in the refrigerator for about 10 minutes so that it becomes thicker. Gently apply it onto your face and neck, let it stay for 30 minutes and then wash your face with water.

Papaya and Banana Fruit Mask

This fruity pack gives an instant boost to your skin, making it and makes your skin smooth and tight. Mash one ripe banana and the pulp of a ripe papaya to make a smooth paste. Apply it on your face and leave it on for 20 minutes.

White Clay, Milk and Olive Oil Face Mask

Apart from giving you an instant glow, this mask also tightens the pores, cleans blackheads, and moisturizes your skin. To make this mask, mix 2 teaspoons of white clay powder, 1 teaspoon of milk and 1 teaspoon of olive oil to form a thick paste. Apply it on your face and let it stay for 20 minutes. Once it gets completely dry, gently wash your face with warm water.

Strawberry and Soft Butter Face Pack

Alpha hydroxy acid in strawberries enhances skin tone and adds instant radiance. To make the mask, grind 2 medium sized strawberries and unsalted soft butter. Apply the pack to a clean face, leave it on for 15 minutes and then wipe your face with warm wet towels.

These all-natural face masks are great mini pick me ups for the middle of the week. For a longer lasting and more instant boost, we also recommend our Nimue Active Glow facial.

For appointment bookings at Ivory Aesthetics, call us on 04 451 5554.

Your Anti-Aging Skincare Questions Answered by Shohreh Bagherian

In the quest to slow down the process of aging and restore smoother, younger-looking skin, women often find themselves having a pool of questions about the importance of skincare.

Shohreh Bagherian, UAE’s go-to facialist and the owner of Ivory Aesthetics answers some of the most Frequently Asked Questions about anti-aging skincare.

At what age should anti-aging become a concern?

The aging process differs according to skin type, which means you can’t really specify a one-size-fits-all age for everyone. Usually, it is after the age bracket of 26-27 that the skin’s collagen production slows down, which then causes aging signs to surface.

Should I wait for my skin to show signs of aging before I start considering anti-aging treatments?

It is always better to start anti-aging treatments before your skin starts showing any signs of aging. Starting treatments early can prolong the time before aging signs appear, and in some cases can also prevent severe ageing signs.

What’s the best way to prevent aging signs?

The first step is to take care of your skin. The healthier your skin, the less likely it is to age prematurely. It’s also extremely important to use skincare products that are suited to your specific skin needs. And of course, a healthy and balanced diet.

What (anti-aging) skincare routine should I follow?  

There are three important steps that should be a part of everyone’s anti-aging skincare regimen:

1. Sun protection the harsh rays from the sun cause 80 to 90 percent of skin aging. It is extremely important to protect your skin from these harsh rays and use good strength sun protection.

2. Proper cleansing – apart from keeping your skin clean, it also ensures that your skincare products can penetrate your skin in order to show effective results. Using products on congested skin often shows dramatically less results

3. Hydration – dehydrated skin not only lacks luster and natural radiance, it is also prone to age much faster than properly hydrated skin. (And FYI: you can have oily skin and still be dehydrated!). Make sure you are drinking enough water.

How much do facials really help with anti-aging?

Anti-aging facials are highly effective when done on a regular basis. You will get incredible results after few months of regular facials, and they leave a lasting long-term effect on the overall health of your skin.

How often should anti-aging treatments be performed?

For effective and enduring results, anti-aging treatments should be performed at least once a month. However, this depends on the treatment being recommended and its intensity.

How long do results last?

Once again, this depends on the treatment, but most results can last between 2 – 10 weeks.

Are there particular facials or treatments that one should look at specifically when concerned about aging?

The best anti-aging treatments include the RF treatment, collagen oxygen facial, and microneedling.

What are some other important factors to take into consideration to help aging skin?

To combat aging skin, you should essentially follow a balanced diet, indulge in regular exercise, compulsorily use sun block, get good sleep, and use the right products for your skin.

What is your #1 tip to keep skin looking young?

Get a monthly facial! Our skin is put through so much on a daily basis – making it a point to get a facial once a month helps completely revive the skin, and does wonders to keep it looking young and supple as we age.

Have an unanswered question?

Leave it in the comment section below, and we’ll have Shohreh answer it in one of the upcoming blogs.

P.S: Make sure you subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated!

A Pain Free Inch Loss Treatment To Target Unwanted Fat From All Over The Body!

For most of us, losing weight specifically from certain problem areas (and not others) has been a battle we’ve been fighting since time immemorial.

Now, however, with the Shrinking Violet Body Wrap, we can finally claim victory over spot reduction.

This pain free, revolutionary body wrap treatment works like a charm in losing stubborn inches from areas such as the stomach, waist, buttocks, thighs and upper arms.

Shrinking Violet is considered revolutionary because it is a pioneer in slimming wraps that does not rely on dehydration or water loss for its amazing results.

How does Shrinking Violet work?

Shrinking Violet Body Wrap uses Lipolysis – which calls for breaking down fat cells using heat. The process uses a specially designed heat wrap made of active ingredient Phospholipid (Hydrolysed Lecithin), and pre-blended essential oils which aid in cellulite reduction.

The heat generated from the wrap allows the ingredients to penetrate the skin and work on the fatty layers of the skin. Once the fat cells are broken down, they are naturally eliminated from the body as tissue fluid.

The Results

The solution continues to work for nearly 72 hours, and only after this, is when you get to see the complete results. Nearly 93% of people that have tried this treatment, claim to have lost 2 inches within 60 minutes. Post the treatment you feel hydrated and are fragranced with the aroma of essential oils used during the wrap.

Shrinking Violet Body Wrap treatment has no side effects. It is recommended that you drink plenty of water for 3-4 days after the wrap, as this will help you flush out more toxins through your lymphatic system.

At the IVORY Aesthetics, you get to experience this revolutionary treatment under trained supervision. We have a team comprising of internationally certified aestheticians from renowned institutes such as ITEC and CIDESCO, with more than 20 years of total experience in the industry.

All our clients enjoy VIP service and are guaranteed maximum privacy. Our team also ensures that all body, skin and hair treatments are customized for clients, based on their individual requirements.

Redefine your body shape with Shrinking Violet Body Wrap – book a session by calling us on 04 275 3196.

How to Find a Trustworthy Slimming Center in Dubai

Dying to get rid of those excess fat found in your hips and thigh areas? Well then, it is time that you gear up yourself with your researching skills and begin checking out numerous slimming centers available within your location.
Most of the time, you tend to skip being cautious with your health and physical appearance due to having a hectic schedule. You have so much to do in a day that you no longer have the time to see if something is off with your appearances which, as a result, leads to losing the discipline and motivation to take care of your body’s health and form. This is where a reliable slimming center plays a very important role not only in opening your eyes to more effective techniques on how to be self-conscious again but serves as a good step towards a healthier lifestyle for you as well.
However, in huge cities like Dubai, finding a good and reliable slimming center can be quite tough. Since they have grown in number over the years, only a few clinics can be considered as trustworthy. Therefore, it is your responsibility to cautiously look for a slimming center that is well-reputed in the aesthetic industry so that, you are assured that you will be handled only by experienced and certified slimming specialists.
For you to be able to find the best slimming center in Dubai, the following are some helpful tips you can jot down to make the search easier and more convenient. Better get your pen and paper now and start writing notes!

Licensed and Certified
For sure, you will stumble upon hundreds of slimming centers especially if you start researching using the Internet. But, as said earlier, not all of them are proven trustworthy. So, to help ease your stress whether you are eyeing on a good slimming center or not, the first two vital factors to look into are license and certification.
A reputable slimming center should possess the license and proper certification to operate since it is offering different services that involves matters pertaining to human health – most specifically physical well-being and appearance. See to it that you do a double check on these factors so that, any liability that may occur during your treatment will be shouldered by the clinic or center.

Experienced and Professional Team
Every slimming center has a team of health professionals and aesthetic specialists who should also be licensed, well-educated, and highly-experienced in executing each and every treatment and service the center offers to its customers. Keep in mind, the success of your goals will be mutually dependent on yourself and the slimming center’s experienced team as they will be by your side every step of the treatment. That’s why, it is also essential that you inspect the team’s credentials to guarantee that you will be advised, managed, and guided by the best people in the field.

Services and Pricing Packages
Personally visiting the slimming center is also another helpful way to determine whether it will be a good option for you. By seeing the clinic yourself, you get the opportunity to see how hygienic the place is and what top-of-the-line equipment they use inside. Additionally, you will be given the chance to inquire more about its other offered services and pricing packages. Bear in mind, you need to always be smart with your choices when it comes to the treatments and how much they will cost you so that, you get to prepare not only physically but financially as well.
Therefore, take your time touring the center and inquiring about the services being presented to you. This way, you get fully aware how beneficial its offered treatments are and you get the opportunity to prepare yourself for them too.

Ivory Aesthetics is an established slimming center in Dubai. Check out our website to get more information about numerous treatments and different cosmetic products.

Why we need a facial done professionally at least once a month

Doing a little mini facials are great as your skin would look and feel amazing,
But the question is, is your skin really as healthy as it looks. How do you remove whiteheads, blackheads or any other pustules you see on your face.

Yes you can remove them but leave your skin bruised afterward making it not looking so even as you would like it to be. That’s exactly why you need us. We have a lot more to offer knowledge and the background to get you skin to perfection. You definitely need a consultation.

Skin analysis is one of the best methods done to know what to use and how to start a regular routine. Here at Ivory we work to the dermal layer of the skin to get the skin healthy from the inside to achieve long lasting results.


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