Look instantly younger without surgery – try our minimally invasive Thread Lift procedure

Look instantly younger without surgery – try our minimally invasive Thread Lift procedure

Are you looking for a non-invasive facelift treatment? The thread lift procedure offered by Ivory Aesthetics – the best aesthetics clinic in Dubai – is an alternative to facelift surgery that allows you to achieve subtle but visible sculpting of the skin. Read more about how thread lifts can make you look younger and the different types we offer below.

How can thread lifts make you look younger?

As the name suggests, a thread lift involves “lifting” the skin to give it a tighter-looking appearance. This is achieved by inserting dissolvable sutures underneath the skin to pull the skin tight around the targeted area.

Threads also combat ageing by provoking the body’s natural healing response. This prompts the body to direct collagen to the treated areas. Collagen is a protein in the body that helps reduce signs of ageing by promoting skin elasticity and tightening tissue connections.

Different types of thread lift procedures

Ivory Aesthetics offers several different thread lift procedures, all performed by the best aesthetics doctor in Dubai. Some types include:

Jowls and jawline: We can use PDO ‘cog’ threads to diminish the appearance of jowls and marionette lines and re-sculpt the jawline. We achieve this by inserting threads along the jawline border and lower half of the cheek and angling them towards the earlobes.

Brow line: Cog threads can help reposition and lift sagging brows caused by eyebrow ptosis or weakened muscles. Doing so allows you to fully open your eyes.

Under eyes: Are you struggling with hooded or droopy eyelids? Our under-eye procedure is one of many face thread lift options we offer, allowing you to remove one of the most common signs of ageing.

Forehead: We can use mono or crew threads to address any visible wrinkles on the forehead. We achieve this without the risk of scarring or baldness.

Cheeks: This procedure involves inserting threads into the cheeks and chin to create a smaller and V-line face shape. Lifting the cheeks also helps with jawline definition.

Nose: A nose thread lift involves using cog threads to enhance the nose tip and bridge. It creates a sharper and smaller nose tip while giving you a greater defined bridge.

Body: Some patients choose to get thread lifts in areas where they’re experiencing sagging skin as a result of weight loss. Some common areas include the breasts and torso.

Book an appointment with us today for the best thread lift procedure in Dubai.


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